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Understanding that the college hunt for musicians is uniquely challenging, Music for Youth has a number of zoom recordings that can be viewed below.
May 2024 College Prep for Musicians; A moderated panel of 4 parents and seniors talked about their experiences searching for the right college “fit”. This moderated session held at Norwalk City Hall was open to the public . Parents and students alike appreciated the candid information shared by those who had just selected the college of their choice.

May 2023 The student perspective, and education in music.
Students from: Vassar College, Berklee School of Music, Indiana University; Jacobs School of Music, Rice University; Shepherd School of Music talk about: preparing for auditions, scholarships, financial aide, selecting a teacher and scheduling trial lessons.
May 2022 Preparing for the Journey – Music School Representatives Share Tips
and Advice
Our second session featured four college and conservatory representatives talking about the criteria for admissions, the admissions process and their respective school programs. The program is moderated by Kathleen Tesar, co-author of the book, “College Prep for Musicians. Panel will include representatives from: Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance, USC Thornton School of Music.
College Prep for Musicians Recording May 25th, 2022:
Panel Participants
Amy A. Anderson – Dean of Enrollment New England Conservatory
Lee Cioppa,- Dean Colburn Conservatory of Music
Karen Kerr – Director, Admission Frost School of Music, University of Miami
Geoffrey Scott – Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Shepherd School of Music, Rice University
About our moderator, Kathleen Tesar, co-author of the book, “College Prep for Musicians”
Kathleen Tesar has a wide range of experience as both a performer and an administrator in higher education. Currently the Associate Dean for Enrollment Management at The Juilliard School, she oversees the offices of Admissions and Financial Aid. Her responsibilities include recruiting and enrolling the incoming class each year, overseeing the prescreening and audition processes, chairing the Admissions Committee, and serving on the Scholarship Committee.
College Prep for Musicians decodes the complex process of choosing schools, clarifies the vocabulary around the admission process, and shows students exactly how to prepare their best audition. Young musicians will be able to follow detailed plans to get organized and to communicate with music schools and conservatories. This book provides tools, teaches habits, and demonstrates skills that students can use for the rest of their careers. College Prep for Musicians will help young musicians achieve their dreams.
Zoom sessions 2021
Week one featured students and graduates from various music schools and conservatories sharing their experiences. .
To listen to Zoom recording:
- Camden Archambeau: Sophomore, Joint Program at Harvard/New England Conservatory
- Bryan Page: Graduate of Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music, Kelley School of Business
- Kate Wegener: Junior, The Juilliard School
- Joshua Bustamante: Graduate, University of Bridgeport, Music Education Major
Tuesday, May 4th @ 7:00pm: Preparing for the Journey – Music Representatives share tips and advice.
Week Two featured five college and conservatory representatives talking about the criteria for admissions and the admission process
- The Hartt School of Music
- Manhattan School of Music
- Purchase Conservatory of Music
- The Juilliard School
- Western Connecticut State University
To listen to Zoom recording:
Passcode: Music
Tuesday May 11th @ 7:00pm: Exploring Financial Aid and Cash Management Solutions for your Student’s College Education
Week Three featured John Pearson from the Barnum Financial Center for College Planning who discussed
- Need Based Aid Information
- Resources for Merit Aid
- Fafsa vs CSS Profile
- Tax Code Incentives
- Tuition Discounting
- Minimizing Student Loans
This session was not recorded